Cynthia Leon - sentinal - chapter operations
Maeli Ayon
Public Relations

Hello, my name is Maeli Ayon. When I am not at Citrus or Livestock Judging practice I love to show sheep, on my ranch I have flock that I manage year-round. I love doing this and because of how much time I spend with them for my SAE this year it will be Sheep Production, I've been doing that for quite a while and have turned it into a proficiency. I also love doing artsy things like scrapbooking and photography. Last year I was able to get 5th in the State Creed, a big accomplishment for me! I was also on the 3rd place State Citrus Judging B Team. At fair I was the Reserve FFA Champion Market Lamb and got 4th Overall in the Advanced Division. My favorite movie is Twisters, My favorite song is Dirt Cheap by Cody Johnson, and my favorite piece of literature/media is The Bible. I would like to attend Cal Poly, major in Ag Education and maybe become an ag teacher like my dad.
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Accomplishments and Competitions: 1st Individual for Creed & Impromptu at Sectionals, State Creed Speaker, Reserve Champion FFA Market Lamb, 4th Overall Advanced Showman for lambs at SBCF.
Looking Forward to: Running for chapter office, Citrus Judging.

Contributions provided by Nipomo FFA members

© 2024-2025 by Digital Informational Services Committee. Contibutions provided by Nipomo FFA members.