Competitions at Nipomo
While our chapter may seem young in comparison to others that have been around for decades, we have quickly built a legacy of excellence and achievement in a short amount of time. In the twenty two and a half years since the founding of our chapter we have made it our mission to strive for greatness in every aspect and area of ag. We are lucky to have dedicated advisors who give up their time to teach CDE's and LDE's year round, and our students make sure to work hard and take the opportunity handed to them. For many years we have taken pride our performance when it comes to these events and we are happy to share our accomplishments with you. As we continue to evolve and grow, our commitment to excellence remains steadfast. Each year brings new challenges, but also new milestones that add to our ever expanding legacy.
If you want to see our success in these contests make sure to check out the "Chapter History" Page!
Opening/Closing Ceremonies Contest
The Opening/Closing Ceremonies competition is the largest contest that Nipomo FFA participates in annually. Students compete in teams of six, assuming the rolls of the chapter president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, and sentinel. These members memorize and recite the entire ceremony. Members must learn how to work as a team, deciding the style and mannerisms to follow, along with this our members develop their public speaking skills, learning how to project their voice to a crowd. We have always been very successful in this competition and at this years contest we won all three divisions! All of our advisors coach this competition, if you want to learn more talk to them during the fall semester!
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Novice OC Champions-Zigmas/ Zimmerman
Open-Division OC Champions- Ready to Rock/ Ready
Officer OC Champions- Officers/ Cummings
Milk Quality & Dairy Foods Contest
The purpose of this contest is to enhance learning activities related to milk quality, federal milk marketing, attributes of milk products and substitutes for them. The focus of this Career Development Event is on achievement of high quality raw milk, federal milk marketing orders and attributes of selected products of milk. In this contest their is Cheese ID, Non-Dairy vs Dairy, Fat percentage, Milk Flavor ID, Presentation, and Written Exam category. Mrs. Cummings is the advisor of this contest, if you want to learn more contact her this spring semester! Some notable current members are Brooke Krier, Abbey Danley, Olivia Juarez, Charlote Slater, and Dominic Valencia!
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Livestock Evaluation Contest
The purpose of this competition is to understand and to interpret the value of performance data based on industry standards. In this contest the competitors will judge and place 12 classes of livestock and do an oral reasons explanation on 3 of the classes. The classes you'll see are Market Hogs, Breeding Gilts, Breeding Ewes, Wether Dam Does, Wether Dam Ewes, Breeding Does, Breeding Heifers, Market Goats, and Bulls. This contest will make sure to measure the students' knowledge in the following categories:
to make accurate observations of livestock
to determine the desirable traits in animals
to make logical decisions based on these observations
to discuss and to defend their decisions for their placing
to instill an appreciation for desirable selection, management and marketing techniques
to develop the ability to select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and provide increased economic returns to producers. Provide positive economic returns to producers as well as meet the needs of the industry.
to become proficient in communicating in the terminology of the industry and the consumer.
If you want to learn more make sure to talk to Riedel before the spring CDE sesaon starts! Some notable current members are Nola Zavala, Myley Doss, Samuel Lopez, Jacob Goldsbary, Maeli Ayon, Raymond Marquez, Tyler Korsberg, Nathalia Cuevas, Chesney Misamore, Brylee Mayer, Kyle Jorge.
All Images © Nipomo FFA 2024

FFA Marketing Contest
The Marketing event seeks to effectively prepare the students with the practices and operations of Agricultural Cooperatives. Workers seeking careers in cooperative marketing must not only develop a high degree of knowledge and skill they must also develop the ability to solve difficult problems. This event blends the testing of manipulative skills and knowledge required for careers in operations and marketing.
Project Competition is a sectional competition that allows students with outstanding SAE projects to compete aginst their peers throughout their section to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in their project area. Students are judged based on a rubric by adult members of the local community.Winners are chosen based on the knowledge and skill of the competitior as evidenced during a project visit.
/Horticulture Judging
The purpose of this contest is to enhance learning activities related to the landscaping industry as well as knowledge in the ortamental horticulture field and learning native flora and fauna of California. In this contest the members will have to Identify 100 ID per contest out of a 335 list of trees, perennials, shrubs, etc., Judge 3 classes of trees, shrubs, and flats, and five reasons on 2 od them, a 50 question knowledge test of insects, hormones, and the industry, a physical demonstarion and speech on the transplanting of a plant. This was the last contest of our to reach State Champion Level and now there is significant strides being made to make the contest more similar to its national coutnerpart. Mr. Zimmerman is the advisor of this contest, if you want to learn more contact her this spring semester! Some notable current members are Valeria Delgado, Wyatt Wonnel, Natalie Alavez, Karina Sandavol, Lexus Gusman, Tyler Korsberg, Andy Hatch, and Raymond Marquez.
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Floral Judging

The purpose of this contest is to enhance learning activities related to the floral industry as well as knowledge in the ortamental horticulture field and learning the most common flora used in California. In this contest the members will have to Identify flowers, house plants, and tools, Judge classes of houseplants, boquets, and bootineers, and give reasons, a 50 question knowledge test of insects, flower handling, and the industry, a physical demonstarion and speech on construction of a arrangement, bouquet, or bootineer. Mrs. Cummings is the advisor of this contest, if you want to learn more contact her this spring semester! Some notable current members are Bella Omluhundro, Lexus Gusman, Vio Campo, Stella Hernandez, and Avery Ball!

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Citrus Judging
The purpose of this contest is to enhance learning activities related to the Citrus Industry. In this contest the members will have to Identify Defects in fruit, diseases, Insect damage, Judge classes of lemons, orangse, and trees, and give reasons. This is one of our two winter CDE's and love doing it! This is one of our most popular contests that we have a Nipomo and it is coached by Mr. Zimmerman as well as Miss Riedel. If you want to learn more contact them in the fall next school year! Some notable current members are Abbey Danley, Raymond Marquez, Fernando Romero, Tyler Korsberg, Lexus Gusman, Maeli Ayon, Samuel Lopez, Anthony Bravo, Gabi Ballesteros, Michelle Barajas, Tiger Vongvone, Briana Labra, and Diego Mendoza!

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Farm Power
The purpose of this contest is to demonstrate how proficient members are in handling farm equipment as well as their troubleshooting expertise. In this contest the members will have to complete a Tractor Operating / Saftey Portion, General Knowledge test, Parts and Tools ID, as well as a troubleshooting portion. Mr. Carlson is the advisor of this contest, if you want to learn more contact him this spring semester! Some notable current members are Jameson Farnsworth, Garret Johnson, Jake Camacho, Luke Dale, Ethan Negrete, William Santiago, and more!

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Water Issues
This contest goes over the laws, legislation, and history of the water systems of California. Members must know the different types of Dams, Aquifers, Bays, and more. This contest consists of a 50 question test that is split into a multiple choice and True or False portion. This is one of our Winter CDE's, meaning if you want to join contact Mrs. Ready before Winter State Finals on Febuary 1st! Notable current members are Sophia Esparza, Caitlyn Schaffer, Samuel Lopez, Adin Willis, Avery Ball, Vio Campo, Lexus Gusman, Tyler Korsberg, and Myley Doss.
All Images © Nipomo FFA 2024

© 2024-2025 by Digital Informational Services Committee. Contibutions provided by Nipomo FFA members.