Malachi Starr - sentinel - Chapter operations
Community Service
Jacob Boldsbary
Chapter Operations
Accomplishments and Competitions:
Looking Forward to:
My name is Jacob Goldsbary, I am on the Chapter Operations. I am going to be a junior this year. I love showing hogs and doing livestock judging during the spring CDE season. My hobby outside of the blue jacke being playing football in the fall and summer. My SAE project being making a tailgate bench that I might sell at the ag friends benefit dinner. My proudest accomplishments in the FFA is being able to join the leadership class, Joining Livestock judging, Going to State Conference. My favorite movie being Independence Day, my favorite song being High Road by Koe Wetzel, my favorite book being the Outsiders. My future goals are attending the naval academy.
© 2021-2022 by Nipomo FFA Multi-Media Committee. Information and contibutions provided by Nipomo FFA members.