Malachi Starr - sentinel - Chapter operations
Community Service
Ethan Negrete
Culture, Calendar, and Climate

My name is Ethan Negrete and I am a part of the culture and climate committee. I am in my junior year of high school. My hobbies are Im into working on and modifying cars, skateboarding, and I am getting into youtube video production soon, @shiftedbuilds. My SAE project this semester is It is going to be my youtube channel surrounding fabrication, mechanical systems, and maintenance. My proudest achievements in the FFA is participating in Citrus judging, Farm power, and getting my awesome goat from this last summer named kitty. My favorite movie is fast & furious, my favorite song is Pyramids by frank ocean, and my favorite book would have to be the alchemist by paulo coelho. For my future goals I want to have businesses in welding, diesel mechanics, and performance auto mechanics. I will then invest in real estate, run my youtube channel, and build a career as a professional Racing driver.
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