Nola Zavala- Secretary
Video Production
© Ready Images 2024

I'm Nola Zavala and the leader of the Video Production Committee, when I'm not busy with FFA I love to showing Sheep and competing in trapshooting. I've been reading sheep for a long time and it's something that I take pride in every year. For my SAE project I will be job shadowing the manager of a cattle company, it is a large scale angus operation, this along with the project we do in animal science will help me in my journey to better understand the cattle industry. I've done al to buy my favorite things I've done were competing at the state level for Creed and Impromptu, serving as a state sub - committee chair, and being a national delegate in fall. My favorite pieces of media are the show, Hannah Montana, Dream Miley Cyrus, & Summer of Broken Rules. I've always loved these! After a graduate I will attend an agricultural college where I'll major in Ag Communications and start a business in the agriculture field!
Accomplishments and Competitions: Creed State Speaker, Impromptu State Speaker, 1st Place Sectional Prepares Speaker, State Sub-Committee Chair, Regional Sentinel, 2X OC champion + Outstanding Officer Secretary, State Livestock Judger, National Delegate.
Looking Forward to: Livestock Judging, attending ALA, going to Region for Prepared.


© 2024-2025 by Digital Informational Services Committee. Contibutions provided by Nipomo FFA members.