Please visit the news and events page to sign up for your OC team by Friday, Aug. 26!

Register now for the 6th Annual Cow Pasture Open September 25th at the Monarch Dunes Golf Course in Nipomo.

Please visit the news and events page to sign up for your OC team by Friday, Aug. 26!
Welcome to Nipomo FFA
Since the opening of the program in 2002, Nipomo FFA members have excelled in many opportunities. Our chapter has flourished and we never stop inspiring members to do their best and reach their full leadership potential in the FFA. “Wish it, Dream it, Do it” is the challenge we gave our members to continue to grow and develop their skills to be the best they can be. Whether it be in Public Speaking, Career Development Events, Supervised Agriculture Experience or in the classroom, we offer support and encourage members to get involved.