Uniform Orders Now Available
We are ready to order your very own FFA uniform!!! GIRLS UNIFORM: ---------------- Jacket - $55 (recommended) Scarf - $12.50...
Opening & Closing Ceremonies Sign Up
It's that time of year again! Time to sign-up for Opening and Closing Ceremonies contest! The competition will take place on October 5th...
Ag Friends Scholarship Available Now!
NHS Ag Friends is pleased to announce the 2019 scholarship application is now available! sScholarship applications will be completed...
Officer Election Ballot
Click here for the ballot!
Nipomo FFA starts of competition season strong
On March 2nd, Nipomo FFA’s Milk Quality and Dairy Food Evaluation team packed their bags for the long road ahead to UC Davis for the...
Nipomo FFA Celebrates Greenhands
Throughout the days of December 4th, 5th, and 6th, Nipomo FFA’s leadership class dedicated their time to celebrate the rookies of our FFA...
Nipomo FFA gets crafty with special buddies
Once a month, Nipomo’s leadership team meets up with their special buddies (Special Education Students) to work together on activities....
Livestock team is Reserve National champions!
On Wednesday October 18th, Nipomo’s very own California State Champion Livestock Evaluation team, Tucker Banta, Erica Bowles, Eric...